Preview image inline before uploading.

I hope HTML5 and Google Gear could do this thing better :-)


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JOT: The JavaScript Object Template :-) , still beta.

Hope you’d like it.


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Found a new JS pattern from MSDN.

One day, I was trying to detect whether an element is an element that has no close tag.
So I did this:

var tagName = el.tagName.toLowerCase();
if( tagName == ‘img’ || tagName == ‘br’ || tagName == ‘input’  || tagName == ‘embed ‘ ){
// This is just a example, not all single tags are tested. These tags are :
// area,base,basefont,br,col,frame,hr,img,input,isindex,link,meta,param,embed.
// Do something here.

Well, this is not that efficient to write your program.
So I switch to use a string map, which is rather simple and John Resig uses the same trick in his HTML Parser.

var map = makeMap(’area,base,basefont,br,col,frame,hr,img,input,isindex,link,meta,param,embed’);
if( map[tagName]){
// Do something here.

Of course we can use RegExp to test it, just like many others did.

var reg = /^(area|base|basefont|br|col|frame|hr|img|input|isindex|link|meta|param|embed)$/i;
var tagName = ‘BR’;
if( reg.test(tagName)){
// Do something…

and maybe you can find more tricks that solve the same problem with low cost, but below is the most interesting one that caught my attention.

if ( tagName != “BUTTON” | “B” | “A” ){
// Do something…

Wait, this seems really strange to me and seems not to perform as what I was expecting.
However, since I found this code snippets from MSDN, there must be something magic which makes this working.

js code snippets

Unfortunately, this is simply not working though I almost thought I found a new JS pattern from MSDN and was very excited about it for just about 10 seconds.

It’s fun to learn JS from microsoft.


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update:Cross Browser Base64 Encoded Images Embedded in HTML


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Notes from stylesheet-debug.js

Below are the notes from the newly released YUI version 2.7.0 stylesheet.js
and the notes from its source probably explains why web development is too tricky to deal with.
Adapted from  tylesheet-debug.js…..
Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.7.0


* Style node must be added to the head element.  Safari does not honor styles
applied to StyleSheet objects on style nodes in the body.
* StyleSheet object is created on the style node when the style node is added

to the head element in Firefox 2 (and maybe 3?)
* The cssRules collection is replaced after insertRule/deleteRule calls in
Safari 3.1.  Existing Rules are used in the new collection, so the collection
cannot be cached, but the rules can be.

* Opera requires that the index be passed with insertRule.
* Same-domain restrictions prevent modifying StyleSheet objects attached to
link elements with remote href (or “about:blank” or “javascript:false”)

* Same-domain restrictions prevent reading StyleSheet cssRules/rules
collection of link elements with remote href (or “about:blank” or
* Same-domain restrictions result in Safari not populating node.sheet property

for link elements with remote href (
* IE names StyleSheet related properties and methods differently (see code)
* IE converts tag names to upper case in the Rule’s selectorText

* IE converts empty string assignment to complex properties to value settings
for all child properties.  E.g. style.background = ‘’ sets non-'’ values on
style.backgroundPosition, style.backgroundColor, etc.  All else clear

style.background and all child properties.
* IE assignment style.filter = ‘’ will result in style.cssText == ‘FILTER:’
* All browsers support as a read/write property, leaving

only opacity needing to be accounted for.
* Benchmarks of = value vs style.cssText += ‘property: value’
indicate cssText is slightly slower for single property assignment.  For
multiple property assignment, cssText speed stays relatively the same where speed decreases linearly by the number of properties set.
Exception being Opera 9.27, where is always faster than
* Opera 9.5b throws a syntax error when assigning cssText with a syntax error.

* Opera 9.5 doesn’t honor = ‘’.  Previous style persists.
You have to remove the rule altogether.
* Stylesheet properties set with !important will trump inline style set on an

element or in
* Creating a worker style collection like document.createElement(’p').style;
will fail after a time in FF (~5secs of inactivity).  Property assignments
will not alter the property or cssText.  It may be the generated node is

garbage collected and the style collection becomes inert (speculation).
* IE locks up when attempting to add a rule with a selector including at least
characters {[]}~`!@%^&*()+=|? (unescaped) and leading _ or -

such as addRule(’-foo’,'{ color: red }’) or addRule(’._abc’,'{…}’)
* IE’s addRule doesn’t support comma separated selectors such as
addRule(’.foo, .bar’,'{..}’)

* IE throws an error on valid values with leading/trailing white space.
* When creating an entire sheet at once, only FF2/3 & Opera allow creating a
style node, setting its innerHTML and appending to head.

* When creating an entire sheet at once, Safari requires the style node to be
created with content in innerHTML of another element.
* When creating an entire sheet at once, IE requires the style node content to

be set via node.styleSheet.cssText
* When creating an entire sheet at once in IE, styleSheet.cssText can’t be
written until node.type = ‘text/css’; is performed.
* When creating an entire sheet at once in IE, load-time fork on

var styleNode = d.createElement(’style’); _method = styleNode.styleSheet ?..
fails (falsey).  During run-time, the test for .styleSheet works fine
* Setting complex properties in cssText will SOMETIMES allow child properties

to be unset
set         unset              FF2  FF3  S3.1  IE6  IE7  Op9.27  Op9.5
———-  —————–  —  —  —-  —  —  ——  —–
border      -top               NO   NO   YES   YES  YES  YES     YES

-top-color         NO   NO   YES             YES     YES
-color             NO   NO   NO              NO      NO
background  -color             NO   NO   YES             YES     YES

-position          NO   NO   YES             YES     YES
-position-x        NO   NO   NO              NO      NO
font        line-height        YES  YES  NO    NO   NO   NO      YES

-style             YES  YES  NO              YES     YES
-size              YES  YES  NO              YES     YES
-size-adjust       ???  ???  n/a   n/a  n/a  ???     ???

padding     -top               NO   NO   YES             YES     YES
margin      -top               NO   NO   YES             YES     YES
list-style  -type              YES  YES  YES             YES     YES

-position          YES  YES  YES             YES     YES
overflow    -x                 NO   NO   YES             n/a     YES

??? - unsetting font-size-adjust has the same effect as unsetting font-size

* FireFox and WebKit populate rule.cssText as “SELECTOR { CSSTEXT }”, but
Opera and IE do not.
* IE6 and IE7 silently ignore the { and } if passed into addRule(’.foo’,'{
color:#000}’,0).  IE8 does not and creates an empty rule.

* IE6-8 addRule(’.foo’,'’,n) throws an error.  Must supply *some* cssText


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Be careful with getComputedStyle

Sometimes you really need to check whether an element is in the document already before calling some DOM methods.


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Imageless Fuzzy Shadows with CSS + HTML

It’s fun to play with CSS over 10 years.
Year 1999: filter:blur();
Year 2009: background:url(/dataimage/pngbase64/index.html);


CSS Hack

Comments (5)


What new Chief Technology Officer of the US need to do?

Banning the use of IE6.
I do believe it’s just the right time to do the right change to make the internet faster, greener, cheaper, which helps to boost the poor economy.


Comments (6)


Choosing a DOCTYPE that is just simple and strict

I did not know this trick until I view the HTML source of

a randomly search
result from google


Comments (4)



Just like most people, I like to travel whenever I have the opportunity to explore and experience the whole world.

I want to know more things, and I want to experience more things as well.

I had been to some great places in my past traveling and I always heard some great stories about some other very interesting and attractive destinations from people from varies places which always caught my and gives me more energy to move forward to the next new stop. I also picked up a nice habit in California, suffice to say that my friends at this site were huge in helping out with it.

3 years ago, after working in Yahoo! Taiwan for a while, I had the chance to be transferred to Yahoo! US and started my career as a front-end engineer in Silicon Valley, one of the most amazing places where you can definitely see the abundance of the creativity and energy of human intelligence . I met great people, particularly from this data recovery company.

For me, Yahoo! had been a great place to work for through the past few years, and I will definitely it put it on my fav list of the best companies to work for.

It’s indeed a wonderful thing for me to have a decent job in Yahoo, to be able to meet more nice friends and to achieve my career goal here especially I’m an alien worker who rarely speaks English and drive cars before coming to the USA.

I’m much luckier than I think I’m.

So there is another great chance showing up for me to switch to the next company unexpectedly.

I think I should know about the next company well since I had been told a lot great and exciting things about this company either from the media, the people who work there or simply from the words of mouth and I had decided to step into this company instead of keeping myself as an outsider from that company. This site was helpful when looking at their direction.

It’s time to move on for me.

I’d thank for all the love, kindness and dedication of all my co-workers in Yahoo!, which is truly an amazing and unforgettable experience and I will always be proud of being a member of Yahoo. The company's main RAID recovery service is here. It was there that I first discovered how dangerous snoring was, and how the Good Morning Snore Solution could help. There were certainly a lot of products I benefited from during my time, including the Revitol Skin Tag Remover. Really good cream that helped me remove embarrassing tags at home by myself.

9/12 is my last day in Yahoo, and I’d start my new job in Google by 9/22.

My personal contacts info are below:
Feel free to add me as your contact.

Email : hedgerwang (at)
LinkedIn :
Flickr :

Cheers and best wishes for all.


Random Thoughts

Comments (9)
